One of the many reasons that PEER is such an amazing and impactful organization is its training program. Before the volunteers get the chance to go to those middle schools, they have to spend more than a week in its headquarter in Beijing getting trained and preparing for the classes day and night.
In 2011 summer program, the training had two parts. The leadership training, which lasted two days, was meant for camp leaders (three in each camp) and administrative personnels, teaching them how to effectively manage the team. The second part, which lasted five days, was for everyone, during which we learnt PEER’s mission and core values, did team-building activities, and most importantly (75% of time) prepared for the classes and activities we were going to bring to those schools.
I made this video after the leadership training. What about the second part of the training, you ask? I got too busy after the program began and never got the incentive to finish it…